Rug Hooking Road Trip

ISSN 2207-100X  April 2022

Australia joins the Rug Hooking Road Trip…  a geographical directory of all things rug hooking!

How can that be when the developer of the Road Trip website, Barb Ackemann starts her journeys in Brattleboro, Vermont, USA?

and no matter where you come from to Australia, there’s an ocean to cross?

Well… we know from contacts made through this Australian Rugmakers website, that many overseas visitors, particularly from North America, who arrive here by plane or cruise ship, do take road trips in Australia, so we are delighted to at last be on the global map!

On the Rug Hooking Road Trip website you’ll also find [Groups] and [Events]. Currently there are two [Places] (Rug Hooking Artists Studios) listed in Australia – one on each side of the country and one [Place] (Supplier) waiting to be “claimed”. Would you like to add your rug hooking business or studio under [PLACE]? Or your [GROUP] or [EVENT] click  and choose [Add Place], [Add Event] or [Add Group].

BUT first, on the front page, scroll down and read Barb’s “Introduction”, and download a one-page guide to “Categories, Tags and see  what you can add for Free Forever”. To compare “Free Forever”, with the benefits of upgrades ($100-$160 annually) click  hereMost importantly, read “What You Can do Here:”… all the way to the bottom line!

Then click the [How to] button showing in the header image and read the clear and concise directions to add, or “claim” a listing added previously by someone other than the owner.

The process is simple, click one of the “Add ……..” headings, to register and create an account. When you receive your account acceptance email with login, click the login link and follow the prompts to create, or claim a listing. You need to make sure the Billing information is correct. Even when using the FREE Forever option – you will be emailed an Invoice showing $0 balance. When completing your billing info be sure to check the address fields are all correct.  Under “Region” enter your “State” – it will already show on the form as VT (Vermont, a State in the USA).

About the developer of Rug Hooking Road Trip, Barb Ackemann, who was also the developer of the Green Mountain Rug Hooking Guild’s virtual show in 2020 (  written up in Rug Hooking Magazine’s June 2021 issue, with her hooked rug “Blueberries Dressed for Fall” featured on the cover.

And about that hooked rug, also showing on the banner above:  Barb says…

“In 2008, on a road trip, I had the opportunity to find the farm that my great-great-grandfather had started in 1855 in south western Wisconsin.

A hand-drawn map in the family history my grandfather wrote in the 1960s, combined with Google Maps and satellite view led me to the farm.

Thinking I might find remains of one of the old houses, I turned down the driveway only to find a brand new house under construction.

In 2021, using Google Maps and Google Earth, I put together a composite image from two different seasons and created the rug “Kilpatrick Farm: 1855.”

This is the first rug I’ve created using a map.  It was lots of fun.

There were farmscapes within 100 miles of the family farm that had even more fun shapes in the contour plowing, but I chose to document the family connection, vs. the coolest patterns.

Exploring Google Earth may yield more ideas for future rugs. What places are special to you?”

From the Editor: Don’t be like yours truly, and pepper Barb with questions because you haven’t read the instructions! However, this website is still under development, so there are some things that may not work for you – that’s when you should contact Barb, she is quick to respond.

This is a great opportunity for all of us in Australia to finally be included in the rug hooking “world”. Please check out the website and support Barb’s ambitious endeavour.   

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