Members Rughooking Videos

RHM-JJA16_Cover11 and Beyond,

Bec Anderson’s Artist in Residency project,

teaching rug hooking in school, is featured in the latest issue of Rug Hooking Magazine with a link to a video on Bec’s website

While on the Guild Facebook page, there’s now two videos featuring the work of guild members, Judi Tompkins and Robin Inkpen.

Bec’s  “11 and Beyond” project was launched on December 4th, 2014, 2_punchneedle_hooking_chair_padthe inaugural International Rughooking Day. During 2015 at Tamborine Mountain State School in Queensland,  Bec took a class of 11 year olds through the process of learning how to design their own patterns and to use a punchneedle to hook them.

Members of Bec’s rug hooking group, the Happy Hookers, assisted Bec with these sessions in return receiving punchneedle lesson themselves.  

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  The local Men’s Shed also took part, building the frames for the students to use.


The project “11 and Beyond” was inspired by the shift in Queensland in 2015 12_QLD_Government_logowhen Year 7 students became the first year of high-school and  Year 6 (11 year olds) became the leaders of the 11_Becs_Project_headerprimary school.

This special issue of Rug Hooking Magazine features article focused on children and rug hooking from  Australia, Canada, Japan, England and the USA.  

There’s an article by Gene Shepherd  (Calif. USA) Education Chair of ATHA featuring young rug hookers and an easy and safe dye experience designed by him especially for kids.  

As always, this edition is packed full of interesting articles.  The magazine is available in Australia by subscription. I’m always delighted when my copy shows up in the post box as it did today. 

Jo Franco, Editor/Membership Chair

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