ISSN 2207-100X September 2021
Lockdowns continue in New South Wales & Victoria and threaten Queensland. The Western Australian state border remains shut to NSW & VIC, and WA residents headed home from Queensland, must quarantine at home for 2 weeks upon their return.
The Team from the Global Textile Hub have not been affected, as they have been meeting virtually, since 2017, before COVID 19 came on the scene and caused everyone to have to re-evaluate and change the way they work, think, play and engage with each other and society.

Back then the three GTH team members, Jo, Judi and Kira, didn’t realise they would, offer the first interactive, online, challenge and exhibition in a virtual Gallery focused solely on Australian fibre/textile artists, “Re-imagined” A challenge with a Difference (2018);
Successfully launch and self-fund, a new, fibre/textile group, Global Textile Hub (2019) with an international reach, facilitating a “global hook-in” at Rug Hooking Week at Sauder Village, Ohio, USA, August 2019.

This video Global Rug Hub, featuring rug hookers from Australia, USA, Canada, England, Scotland and Norway, was shown during the online gathering and seen by visitors to Rug Hooking Week, Sauder Village, USA.
Extend their reach in 2021 to fibre/textile artists around the world in an international challenge and exhibition “Re-imagined” a Collaboration with a Difference : Make the Ordinary Extraordinary, shown in a virtual gallery. This was launched at Rug Hooking Week at Sauder Village August 2021 to an online audience. You can Enter the virtual Gallery here.
Several entries in the 2021 exhibition combined rug hooking with other textile techniques; Braiding, Quilting, Beading and Hanji.

You can see the artwork statements for these pieces and more images of entries in “Global Textile Hub: Virtual Exhibition and More…”
The Global Textile Hub team would like to thank Jurors, Susan L. Feller (USA), Janet DeBoer, OAM and Wendy Lugg, (AUST) and supporters of Global Textile Hub at…
We hope you will view and enjoy these online projects – they have been a huge undertaking by three women with no formal IT training, who saw a need; had a desire to make it happen and JUST DID IT!
Stay safe wherever you are and keep on creating.