Coat of Arms with Unicorn Rug

ISSN 2007-001X

What do these items have to do with a rug inspired by a coat of arms?

Read on and learn a new finishing technique.

Stella Edmundson, a member of Judi Tomkins Sunshine Coast RugCrafters group, is relatively new to rug hooking however, her background in art, and a classical education, stands her in good  stead when it comes to creating designs.

Stella has learned more than just rughooking techniques from the very creative Judi, a self-taught rughooker, who has worked in different art mediums.  Judi encourages members of her group to think outside the box when it comes to framing their hooked pieces.

Here is Stella’s latest hooked work, a commission piece, destined for the USA.

In her own words, Stella’s description of her commissioned work:

” My latest hooked rug is being sent to America by request of my sister who is a close friend of Germanic Kenesbeck descendants.  It is inspired by the Kenesbeck coat of arms. I did not attempt to copy this family crest; for my hooking is not suitable for replicating anything.    Instead I chose the unicorn which dates back to 1172!

The unicorn on the family crest is a realistic long legged colt with a lion’s mane and tail (this imbues the unicorn a lion’s strength and power). I also wanted to have some kind of border suggesting the elaborate exquisite filigree scrolling greenery on the bottom of the crest. Alas, I had to make do with a more simple pattern. I have found that including trees in my hooked rug adds energy so I searched the net for a drawing of a Germanic looking tree.

So, that was the idea I started with. The rug made itself. The unicorn turned out to be not realistic but heraldic (ditto with the rabbits). Unicorns are truly magic beasts representing innocence, sincerity, cleanliness, wisdom, peace and joy. Rabbits are often depicted in medieval unicorn tapestries for they share a reclusive nature with a deep love of nature.

The time is early spring now in Pennsylvania and New Hampshire. The setting is a deep dark night in a grassy wood lit by a radiant moon.”

Stella has invested in a new way of finishing hooked rugs which are to be hung; to give them a firm even edge, without the need of a frame.

Stella says   …………

“Here’s a  step by step approach with images – these items were used during the finishing of a previous wall hanging.

 1. Cut off excess backing fabric (foundation cloth) but leave enough to cover the rug

 2. Place a mounting board the exact size of the rug on the back

 3. Surround the mounting boards with cut dowels just under the width and length of the mounting board. Connect each corner by plastic tubing. This means there is no needs for nails and the corners are rounded.

 4. Fold foundation cloth over the dowels and mounting board. Fold down from top & up from bottom first and then fold the across sides to cover the whole piece then sew all sides together.

 5. With wool yarn matching the piece do rug stitch/whip stitch over the dowels and between the mounting board. Having a dowel in place insures even stitches.”

(Editors Note: The whip stitching should be done after “assembly” while the piece is laying on a flat surface;   it helps to have the far edge weighed down – you can see Stella has a couple of very accommodating weights!

Below is Stella’s final comment regarding her technique. I might add, this finished back also provides a good surface to add an Artist’s Statement or at least (Name/Size of work, Name of Artist & date completed)

” 6. I like to cover the back with fabric which gives a polished finish.”

Well done Stella!

and thank you for sharing your technique with other rugmakers.

Jo Franco, Editor



Sculptures by the Sea Cottesloe

ISSN 2207-001X   March  2017







Kerrie Argent’s entry in Sculptures by the Sea at Cottesloe Beach in Perth, Western Australia, is created from recycled jumpers (sweaters) donated from friends in Esperance, Albany, Perth and Lake Grace.

Kerrie, a member of The Western Australian Fibre & Textile Association (WAFTA), lives in Lake Grace 345k (214 miles) south east of Perth. Here is what she had to say about her 2017 installation:-

        “I’m actually trying to make us think about better use of our textiles or a second use  …….. the two lots of jumpers received from Esperance and Albany were destined for land fill. People had donated them to charity groups but as most of them were out of fashion or had moth holes or stains on them they couldn’t even be given away … there is no second life for second-hand knitted fabrics … not even the rag bag. *(see Editors note)

All the recycled fabric has had a rust dye put over it to give it the glowing golden tone and neutralise the colour tones so they are all tonal now.

While pulling 4 hand knitted jumpers to bits to recycle the wool for stitching I felt like a criminal – all that beautiful knitting, but again they were thrown out and destined for land fill. So why couldn’t we make homes for the homeless from them like the yurts of the Mongolians instead of mountains of unloved unwanted fashion waste.  Australia produces 6000kg of fashion waste every ten minutes.    

This image was posted on the 1 Million Women Facebook page

What started off as my work became a community project when I shifted into the Lake Grace Regional Art Space to use as my studio, a much bigger area. I had friends dropping in to see what I was doing and then offering to help … how can you say no. So it became quite a social event during the day, after work or on weekends, to come  stitch, chat and relax. I couldn’t keep them away, one lady drove into town 25 km every day to work on the stitching, and my 87 year old diehard helper I used to have to kick her out in the evenings otherwise she might have forgot to go home and sleep. Our locum Dr came one weekend to help, even bought pancakes and maple syrup for morning tea. And people stuck in town because of the floods ended up coming and stitching to fill in some time. How lucky am I to get all this awesome support, and they had a lovely time doing it.

Here are some images of the project underway   ………….


Stitched pieces

Rubber gloves cut off make great finger protectors and much better grip on needles”

Last of the covers finished with some of my helpers

Covers finished rolled and ready to go

Trailer packed with supports ready for transport to Perth

 Installed on Cottesloe Beach

(Images were provided by the artist with permission to publish)

  Kerrie said she would be giving artist Spotlight talks to students, if people were interested they could come and listen and if they wanted to talk after she will be there.

The dates for these talks are Thursday 16th 12.00-1.00, and Friday 17th 10.45- 11.45

Kerrie’s also giving a Spotlight talk at 10:30-11:30 Tuesday 7th, however is not available to talk after this session, because she is going to East Butler Primary School to talk to the students as they received one of her cows from the City of Perth Cow Parade, and she’s headed up to see where it’s going to live. 

*Editor’s Note:  I must introduce Kerrie to rugmaking, where you can make use of old hand knitted sweaters, as you can see by these images;   [Images Courtesy Tasmanian Wool Centre]




Sculptures by the Sea is on now until 20th March, 2017 – don’t miss this fantastic Exhibition  (and its free)

Think about your next rug hooking project ……… how can you incorporate recycled items?

Happy Hooking –  Jo Franco, Editor



Defeating the Tyranny of Distance

ISSN 2207-001X

Teaching rug hooking from afar!

A rughooking instructor in Australia, a student in Holland – how does that work?

By using a Skype connection on computers.

The current Guild members’ newsletter contains an article by Judi Tompkins, Communications Chair, who was contacted via her personal blog by a woman in Holland with “how- to” questions about rugmaking. 

After a few emails back and forth, it didn’t take long for a friendship to bloom.   Thea, in Holland, a potter with a good eye for colour and design, was enthusiastic about her new-found craft. Finding it cumbersome to explain about tools and stitches in emails, Judi suggested they “hook up” through Skype.

Thea worked first on an embroidery hoop and then ………. after seeing the different frames Judi was using, and with the help of Miriam Miller’s book, included in an exchange package sent by Judi (no fees were involved for these online workshops, however a friendly barter took place)  Thea‘s husband built her a frame.






Thea began to hook up a storm and has made pillow covers and floor rugs with the new floor frame – here are a couple of examples.

Judi and I have frequent Skype conversations in order to keep this website up and running, during which, we have impromptu rughooking Show-n-Tell to discuss our current projects.

In Milton, New South Wales, on rug days, members of the Narrawilly Proggy Ruggers often talk on Skype to rughooking friends in the USA and Canada who have visited their group or who they have met while attending Triennial TIGHR Conferences.  The International Guild of Handhooking Rugmakers is hosted by a different country for a three year term, culminating in a Conference to handover the reigns to the incoming Board of the next Host Country . Strathalbyn, South Australia was the Conference location in 2012, with a good turn-out from overseas rugmakers.

Judi and I would like to encourage Guild members, especially those isolated solo rugmakers to  give these “virtual rughooking sessions” a try.  If you have a laptop or computer, Judi has volunteered to help you set up a Skype connection – her email is   so,

Take advantage of what your Guild membership has to offer,

Happy Rugmaking from

Jo Franco, Editor/Membership Chair     and

Judi Tompkins, Communications Chair

Heather Ritchie – Rug Aid in The Gambia

ISSN 2207-001X

I’ve been following on Facebook, Heather Ritchie and daughter Chrissie’s two-week stint in The Gambia where they run a Rug School for the blind.

Images and Heather’s descriptions are posted with her permission so her friends in Australia who are not on Facebook can see how their donations are helping the Rug Aid organization.

In particular, the Narrawilly Proggy Rugmakers, whose annual “Fashion Show” raises money for Rug Aid.   Follow this link to the Rug Aid organization to read about the establishment of Rug Aid’s first project started in The Gambia in February 2007.

In 2009, Narrawilly members, Miriam Miller and Jacqui Thompson, travelled with Heather to The Gambia – helping her take supplies to the Rug School and they saw first-hand what a tremendous difference Heather is making to the lives of the blind students and their families.

Thanks to Editor, Lesley Close, Rug Aid’s Newsletter can also be viewed online, this link giving a report of Heather and Chrissie’s 2016 trip.

Below, are Heather’s images and comments on this year’s trip with Chrissie …

2017 – first day at the Rug Aid workshop.  Mayhem ….. as ever! A fabulous welcome.

Adamsa is introduced to her new cane with Chrissie Ritchie.

Mums and daughters working.

Heather sorting a new consignment of fabric scraps from the tailors.

A picture for Valentine’s day ………..

Fatou with her bowl of fruit ……..

Ernest doing his house-keeping, he is so proud of the workshop, keeps it so clean. 

Some of my blind students were interviewed today for a television program about the empowerment of women and disabilities in The Gambia. They were asked how the Rug Aid program had enriched their lives and what they spent the money on from the rug sales. They are confident this will promote our project and attract more visitors to our Workshop.

This is our beautiful journalist who always promotes Rug Aid on the radio. We always do a live discussion about our project every trip … a few weeks ago she did a debate about the past president. A soldier, a friend of the family came to warn her to run and hide as there was a warrant out for her arrest. She hid her children in one part of the country and found a safe place for herself. She is totally blind and was absolutely terrified listening for every sound, she hid for some weeks before she was able to come home. Many journalists here have disappeared never to be heard from again.  Poor Nay she is traumatised now and won’t work as a journalist any more. Thank goodness they have a new president adn she is safe and they have freedom of speech. We wish her well.


Here is Isatu showing her new teeth fitted last trip, by a kind donation – she has a new baby…..

and Senabu cutting new fabrics after being to market ….

and making tea in the compound.

 Playground equipment – damage & Repair:  On their arrival, Heather and Chrissie discovered the childrens’ playground had been damaged and was unusable. Images of the broken equipment were posted online and donations were immediately received and repair began on the playground equipment. 

Playground getting mended ,,,,, yipeeee

Rug Aid rugs going into Timbooktoo book shop for sale


Farewell message received from Heather ……….

Just to say this is the last post from The Gambia.  We travel home tomorrow after a very eventful, productive, hot and tiring 2 weeks … some of you perhaps will be as ready as us for the break. Sorry if I have over-crowded your FB pages but so many are interested and have been so supportive, also visiting and working with us in the past.  I wanted to share our experiences with you and keep you up to date and to say a Huge thank you from me and Chrissie.

Editors Note:    Heather is the current President of The International Guild of Handhooking Rugmakers – a position which will keep her busy leading up to the 2018  Triennial Conference to be held at Reeth in the Yorkshire Dales but we know that won’t stop her tirelessly seeking funding and visiting The Gambia.

Well Done Heather and Chrissie!

Jo Franco, Editor



Guild member receives Australia Day Award

ISSN 2207-001X


Photograph provided by Bega Valley Shire Council

While following the Bermagui Surf Life Saving project we’ve read much about Dawn’s “abundant enthusiasm” and dedication to making a difference in the community.

An article in the Bega District News – “A Lifetime of Service Spanning the Globe” gives an instight into Dawn’s early family life and her involvement with orphaned and abandoned children throughout Asia, increasing her own family of 3 to 6 with adoptions from Thailand, Sri Lanka and South Korea and her work with the Adoptive Parents Association.

How, after moving to the Bega area 20 years ago, this background as an organizer saw her become an active member of the Rural Women’s Network and a key member of the Bega Valley team hosting the 2005 Rural Women’s Gathering.

As reported in the Bega District News article, Dawn’s passion for learning and teaching led her to the Bermagui and District Branch of the University of the Third Age – a group that looks to create and foster educational opportunities for people in retirement. In this group Dawn helped broaden the variety of courses to 80 subjects available through local presenters.

One very active Bermagui and District U3A group, the rug hookers created seven amazing rug panels now hanging in the Bermagui Surf Club.

Dawn Hollins and Bermagui & District U3A Rug Hookers with Bruce McAslan President, Bermagui Surf Club.  Photographer Ben Smyth Bega District News

After the hanging and dedication of the hooked panels on the 15th December, 2016, we decided to create a Guild Video of this impressive project.

On learning Dawn was to receive the Australia Day award, it was decided to wait until 26th January, Australia Day, to publish the video – to honour Dawn’s leadership on the day of the award.

Bermagui & Districts U3A Rughooking Group members describe Dawn as a shining example of the ideal that one person can make a difference.

Congratulations Dawn

from the members of the Australian Rugmakers Guild



Rughooking & Surf Lifsaving

1_nsw_dawn_hollins_one_of_seven_hooked_panels_by_bermagui_u3a_rughooking_groupnswaustraliaThe Bermagui & District U3A Rughooking Group’s community project began almost two years ago, in early 2015. It was conceived by Dawn Hollins, who organized the group in Bermagui, a coastal town 380k (about a 5-hour drive) south of Sydney. 

The group undertook a challenge to create a 7m (23ft) hooked installation to be hung on the wall of the clubhouse of the Bermagui Surf Lifesaving Club to help absorb noise.

At that time, Lin Potter, the only experienced rug hooker in the U3A group, became the instructor for the twelve women involved in the project none of whom had any previous knowledge of rughooking. 

Some of Bermagui&Dist_U3A_Rug_hookers working on project for the Surf Club

The design was based on a panorama of the area drawn full size on paper by artist Rona Walker and then transferred to the hessian panels. The rug hookers added their own personal touches such as birds, surfers, vehicles and even a hot-air balloon!


The 7metre wall hanging was hooked in panels 1m wide x 1.4m high intended to hang separately but close together.  The weight of each piece was considerable – the construction of the elevated wall section was assessed before the design was transferred to the hessian panels.


By the end of November 2016 the panels were all ready to install.





On the 15th December 2016 – with all the panels installed, and over 100 U3A and Surf Club members and dignitaries in attendance, Dawn gave a presentation on the design, creation and installation of this project and it was officially dedicated to the Bermagui Surf Club by Hon. Dr Mike Kelly AM MP Member for Eden-Monaro.

 This is an amazing series of works considering it was completed by novice rughookers who not only had to learn to hook as they began, but also had to learn how to finish off the pieces and work out how it was going to be installed – no mean feat when dealing with such large works, especially when they had to be hung so high in the air.

Members of the Rughooking Group are to be commended for completing such an amazing project – the Surf Club members must surely be pleased.

Dawn says –

“Now this project is finished some will continue with group and we will run teaching workshops next year to encourage new members.

We ran a workshop at the local school on 3rd November (Grandparents Day) where we taught 60 Grade 3 & 4 children and gave them hemmed hessian pieces, hooks and fabric strips so that they could continue in craft sessions. It was pretty full-on but they were very keen and their teachers were delighted! “

jo_franco_australian_rugmakers_guild_editor__membership_chair_2016-copyWell Done Ladies!  We look forward to seeing what you do to follow this in 2017.

Jo Franco, Editor/Membership Chair

International Rughooking Day

ISSN 2207-001X

In Western Australia – the Making of Persephone:


Inspired by “An Invitation to a Reception & Rug Show to celebrate Sharon Townsend’s Birthday” Shown in Rug Hooking Magazine  Jun/Jul/Aug 2016 

The Wanneroo Rug Hooking Group was in need of a sign to direct members of the community to where the group meets in the Library & Cultural Centre. After seeing the advertisement for Sharon Townsend’s Birthday reception, they came up with an eye-catching idea, checked with the building administration and were given permission to display, providing it met all safety criteria.

The rughookers decided they’d like to make this a “group project”.  As their fearless leader, I was due to be away Jul/Aug/Sep, so told them to go for it and surprize me. Which they did! 

On my return, they had the figure drawn and dress hooked.   


I wondered at the strange shape of the figure, but now having seen their documented progress, kept under wraps while I was away, I understand why the lady has “short” legs.  Sooz who volunteered to be the model and in whose office the “lady” will stay during the week, was taller than the piece of backing at hand!   Something they forgot to tell me as I made some figure adjustments before the limbs were hooked. 


Trying to determine how to make this figure keep it’s flat shape and stand upright without any fear of it toppling over, was a challenge.  It will be on display in a public space and is bound to be touched by inquisitive “little hands” – we know this, as we often find pre-school kids sitting on and fingering our current “sign” a small colourful proggy rug.                   

The original plan was for the figure to be glued to plywood – however that would have made it quite heavy, so we decided to use Kira Mead’s “Grid-back” system, which worked to a point BUT in the end it was attached to a very thin plywood, then backed with a yummy Cherise-coloured  fabric – no plain neutral calico for this lady!


Finding a suitable stand with a heavy base to attach it to was the challenge. 

kira_work_standkiras_workstand_backSuggestions were made and Kira from Albany, who is so creative, came up with this, made from a recycled steam iron stand.  A good idea, however the base would have required some modification (cutting off the cord) and camouflage – more work than we had time for as the deadline of International Rughooking Day was fast approaching.

After my final hooking of the face  and hair, a product of my imagination, not modelled on any of our members, and attaching theready_to_unveil grid back  –  the project went off to Kath’s house and between Kath and husband Michael they created a sturdy stand which our “lady” who we’ve called Persephone (Daughter of Zeus, Greek Goddess of Springtime and Flowers) is attached to. After the backing went on the figure was screwed to a T-shape support, an upright center-back and a support across the shoulders. She was under wraps ready for her introduction to the Centre on International Rug Hooking Day.

 The big day arrived;  the group met in the Great Court of the Library and Cultural centre to demonstrate rughooking and to make proggy Christmas Trees from recycled fabrics.


wanneroo_rugmakers_margaret__rennettWanneroo Mayor Tracey Roberts (left) was on hand to help Kath with the unveiling


Ta Dah! – there she is ….


and reunited with Sooz, who was shown earlier as the “template” for this design.


Then it was time for High Tea at Cafe Elixir across the Court – Barb’s idea for our end of year gathering and what a good one it was!


Dress up and hats were the order of the day –


Margaret didn’t have to be told twice to dress up, she thought this a great opportunity to wear her tiara. Individual teapots were also dressed up in attractive tea cosies, the tables decorated and set with pretty china and and the food dainty and delicious!


Happy Rug Hooking Day to all and Best Wishes for the Holiday Season 

 Jo Franco, Editor

More on Australian Rugmaking History

ISSN 2207-001X

Have you noticed the number in the top right-hand corner of the Rug Hooking Australia blogs?  This number was assigned by the National Library of Australia and means Blogs can be deposited in the National Gallery of Australia archives.

Speaking of archives, information gathered by members about Australian Rug hookers prior to the formation of the Guild in 2008, is now posted in an Australian History Section on the Guild website. Readers are encouraged to contact us to add, or correct any of the information shown.

Included in this Section you’ll find information about Australian Rugmakers, listed by Name and State; information on museums with collections of early rag rugs (hooked or prodded) and articles about and by, Australian rugmakers and in some cases a link to the article.

With the publishers permission, there is a link to the full article written by an Australian and published in a 1990 issue of Rug Hooking Magazine(USA). The author comments on the history of rug hooking in Australia from early settlement, describing how the craft was carried into modern times and mentioning contemporary rughookers, in particular, Textile Artist, Isabel Foster of Victoria.

As I write this, I’m reminded of the first (new format), Rughooking Australia Blog which featured Isabel Foster and told of several guild members, myself included, who travelled from Western Australia and South Australia to Victoria in January 2014 to meet a Victorian group, the Yarra Valley Rugmakers, and attend The Challenge of Colour, Isabel Foster’s 50 Year Retrospective.   What a wonderful experience that was.

Isabel Foster (centre) at Burrinja Exhibition
Isabel Foster (centre) at the  Burrinja Exhibition, Victoria, Australia
Judith (SA), Robyne (VIC) and Jo(WA)
Judith (SA), Robyne (VIC) and Jo(WA) listening to Isabel tell of her love of colour and textiles.
Leanne, Joy, Jen & Renate
Leanne, Joy, Jen & Renate – all of Victoria, Australia

Sarah Squire Todd – Hobart, Tasmania (1861-1959) and her granddaughter Mary Ransom, were mentioned in the same magazine article.

Sarah Todd, a famous Australian wood-carver, was forced to give up wood-carving in favour of embroidery, needlework and rug-making in her advancing years.  More details of her life and art can be found [here]

The Wool Centre, Ross, Tasmania, Australia
Courtesy of The Tasmanian Wool Centre, Ross, Tasmania, Australia

The Tasmanian Wool Centre in Ross, Tasmania, has a rag rug in the Museum’s collection made by Mary Ransom born in Tasmania c 1915. It is not currently on display but can be viewed by appointment.

The list of places where rugs are found to be archived is growing.

Added to the Pioneer Women’s Hut in Tumbarumba and the Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, both in New South Wales, is the Migration Museum in Adelaide, South Australia.

Corinne Ball, Curator of the Migration Museum, provided images and has given permission to show these rugs which she thinks were made in the Depression era or thereabouts:-

Courtesy of Migration Museum, Adelaide, South Australia HT90-143
Courtesy of Migration Museum, Adelaide, South Australia HT90.143
Courtesy of Migration Museum, Adelaide, South Australia HT90.141
Courtesy of Migration Museum, Adelaide, South Australia HT90.141
Courtesy of Migration Museum Adelaide, South Australia HT90_142
Courtesy of Migration Museum Adelaide, South Australia HT90.142
Courtesy of Migration Museum, SA HT86.404 - Community Banners project 1986 "Memories & Dreams"
Courtesy of Migration Museum, SA HT86.404 – Community Banners project 1986 “Memories & Dreams”

The Museum is located in Adelaide, South Australia at 82 Kintore Ave (08) 8207 7570 …… Open Daily 10am-5pm Mon-Fri and 1pm-5p Weekends,  Admission is Free.    

More information on this Banner is available on the Museum website and there’s also an image, provided by Faye Godfrey of South Australia, of the Banner along with the group who made it, in the Guild’s History Section.

If you would like to include information about an Australian rugmaker, please email with details and permission to publish.

This history project is like a giant jig saw puzzle – it’s interesting to fit the pieces together as information comes to light. Who knew there was so much to report about rug hooking in jo_franco_editor_membership_chair_aust_rugmakers_guildAustralia.

I encourage you to read the History section and look forward to your feedback.  Jo Franco,  Editor


Miriam’s Big Rug

ISSN 2207-001X

designed__hooked_by_miriam_miller_nsw_australia-_2016-11-04It’s hard to believe!

Miriam Miller started this BIG rug at the end of June 2016 and here it is November – yes the same year, and she is almost finished it!

A recent email, shown below, was received from Miriam about the making of her BIG rug, along with photos taken at the November 4th meeting of the Narrawilly Proggers in her Rug Room at Narrawilly, Milton in New South Wales, Australia.


Miriam said:

“When I first thought to make a large blue rug for my living room I had a wide stretcher frame made for the rug, as my usual one was not wide enough.

I started off using a ‘Snapdragon’ lap frame, as I was uncertain of my design and colours. I worked the border first, and then thought as the rug got heavier or more cumbersome I would transfer to the stretcher frame, using towels as I wound it on to even up the rug, so I could stretch it tight.

However here I am nearly finished and the wide stretcher frame is still standing in the corner.  It would not be possible except for the Snapdragon lap frame I am using.  It holds the backing drum tight and does not move.  I intend trying to crochet a finish to the edge, as suggested by Heather Ritchie.  Also, I am going to try a fringe on the ends. Not sure if I will like it, but will try and see.  We were given a large spool of multi strand fibre.

I also intend to glue the hessian tape binding around the edges on the back of the rug.  Not sure if this will be successful, but will try and if it is not any good, I can always sew it on afterwards.

People have asked how I come up with enough fabric.  I have a few blankets and dyeing them several shades with the same dyes, and then use it in a jumbled way, so I can go on forever like that.  Just keep dyeing similar and mixing it in. I had a huge skein of wool yarn, so was able to dye that all nearly the same shade.”


Elaine, a member of the Narrawilly Proggers, is shown here working on a stretcher frame similar to the large frame Miriam mentioned having had made.

Jacqui shows off the Christmas wreath she completed on the day. There’s more news about their rug day and from rug hooking friends around the world, which you can read in the newsletter “Connecting Us”  that Miriam emails to Guild members.



The colour blue features predominantly in Miriam’s house as you can see from the table setting as Narrawilly Proggy members, Bev and Janet, help themselves to lunch – and the furnishings through the open door.

Lunch this day was eaten on the side veranda and here are the group taking a break – sitting back and admiring the view and what a view it is.









Jo Franco,  Editor

Tenacious – a  ship and a rug hooker


Working with Judi Tompkins on this Guild website I was aware she had been asked by a relative to hook a rug depicting the ship on which he sometimes sails.

The "Tenacious" - Jubilee Sailing Trust Tall Ship (out of Southampton, UK)
The “Tenacious” – Jubilee Sailing Trust Tall Ship (out of Southampton, UK)


This is one of only two tall-ships purpose built to take both disabled and able bodied men and women to sea.

Both ships are part of the Jubilee Sailing Trust, an international, United Nations accredited disability charity, promoting integration through the challenge and adventure of tall ship sailing here is a link to the organization with video of ships at sea

SV Tenacious, is now on loan to Australia for the next few years and is currently docked in Melbourne. This link will provide details of the upcoming voyages while she is in the Southern hemisphere


Judi’s brother-in-law Tom, has made many voyages on both Tall-Ships, and provided these details

“Though the two ships are similarly equipped with regards to having a partially handicapped crew, with medical facilities and always a qualified medical purser (who is a nurse usually but sometimes a doctor) and on longer voyages a volunteer doctor on board, they are very different in feel.  Lord Nelson just celebrated her 30th birthday whereas Tenacious was built (mostly by volunteers) in 2000.  She is the largest wooden ship (Siberian larch) built in the 20th century.” 

Tom said he’ll be on board the Lord Nelson for 42 days in June/July 2017 when the ship sails from London, to the Faroe Islands, then on to Iceland and finally Quebec.  The ship will take part in a lot of the celebrations associated with the 150 years of Canadian Confederation with short sails around the east coast of Canada. At the end of 2017 he’ll head for Melbourne to join Tenacious for a 20 day voyage to Auckland.

Having met Tom and been taken on a tour of the Lord Nelson when she was in Fremantle in 2013 and hearing about his adventures at sea, it sounds like a voyage, if only for a day, that should be on everyone’s bucket list.

Judi said she had no idea what this project was going to involve, she’d done some 3D rug work and realized that along the way the project gets to a point where it looks like such a mess – you think it’s never going to work out. In this case, there was just so much detail in the sails she didn’t think it would ever come together, but persevered. 

Through the process from design to finish Judi documented her work and now has hundreds of images – here are just a few –

The proverbial "dog's breakfast" view
The proverbial “dog’s breakfast” view



and the finished project hanging in brother-in-law Tom’s home in Belgium.   

Tall Ship "Tenacious" docked in Belgium (ship photo and rug); 26 x 28 recycled wool blankets, alpaca/mohair yarns, sari silk, sculpted, hooking Adaptation with image of original ship
Tall Ship “Tenacious” docked in Belgium (ship photo and rug); 26 x 28 recycled wool blankets, alpaca/mohair yarns, sari silk, sculpted, hooking Adaptation with image of original ship

Well done Judi,

Jo Franco, Editor