If you would like to join the Australian Rugmakers Guild, after viewing the application below, please click on this link 2019 ARG Membership Application and download the membership form. For other questions about membership, please contact: rughookingaustralia@gmail.com
Australian Rugmakers Guild Membership/Renewal* Application
NAME ……………………………………………………………
PHONE (..…….)….…………………………
POST CODE ……………..
EMAIL ADDRESS …………………………………………………………
SKYPE NAME ……………………………………………………………………………….
Membership fees: $20 per year due 1st January each year.
(If you require receipt, include stamped addressed envelope)
Cash: $ … Cheque: $….Money Order $ … *Direct Deposit $ ….
*For online direct deposits contact: rughookingaustralia@gmail.com for details.
*Renewals please complete this form and mail or email if there are any changes in your contact details.
Privacy Notice:
Privacy Notice: Please note your email address, street address and phone number is listed in the Membership Directory. This information is not sold or provided to any business and only made available to other Australian Rugmakers Guild members with your prior permission.
Return application to – Membership Chair, Australian Rugmakers Guild
PO Box 2212, Clarkson, WA 6030
Are you interested in forming, or being part of a rug hooking group in your local area? If so, Please indicate your suburb or the distance you’re willing to travel to join a group
Welcome to the Australian Rugmakers Guild!