otherwise known as “Judi’s Folly”
Created by Judi Tompkins, 2016 “Palimpsest” Landsborough, QLD
According to Wikipedia : In architecture, a folly (French term folie – meaning foolishness) is a building constructed primarily for decoration, but suggesting through its appearance some other purpose, or appearing to be so extravagant that it transcends the range of garden ornaments usually associated with the class of buildings to which it belongs. 18th century English gardens and French landscape gardening often featured mock Roman temples, symbolizing classical virtues.
In English, the term began as “a popular name for any costly non-functional structure erected to enhance the natural landscape”.
Hence the terms use for Judi’s installation which to date, has not stopped growing in the middle of her living room!
Having made several wall-hangings using the 3D Waldoborough technique (in the extreme)
Judi had a desire to make a full size 3D hooked project.
This ladder no longer in use, and her interest in birds and fowl, was the catalyst for the chook project.
First the pattern for the chook (Bertha) was drawn onto hessian
Then begain the hooking using novelty “Eyelash” yarn, the finished shape was stuffed with wool.
The ladder was bought into play and the chook perched upon it.
At this point Judi’s creative sense went into over-drive; the chook needed a nest and if it was going to have a nest shouldn’t there be some eggs?
And as eggs tend to do – they started to hatch

Members of Judi’s rug hooking group who’d seen this installation starting to take shape felt they too wanted to be involved.
Bea showed up with a two specimens of fowl she’d created in a pottery class
and along with Judi Owen and Ann Naisworth (NSW) they started to collect feathers for the project
… by this time it had grown to include a mat beneath the ladder into which realistic grass and plants had been hooked and other birds and birds nest from Judi’s collection had been placed.

The circular mat is a massive art work in itself 15 feet (458cm) in circumference and weighing over 6kg.
A video of this huge rug hooking effort was made by Kira Mead using the outline of my blog, with voice over by husband Warren. With the addition of some funky Chicken song music, it created something that made us all smile.
So the video, even though it was only a trial effort, was posted on the Guild Facebook page. For those of you who may not have seen it, here it is the link
Congratulations to Judi on such a creative effort and to Kira for being clever and persistent and conquering the digital battle of learning how to bring it all online.
I have certainly enjoyed being Judi’s sounding board through the construction of this installation. Jo Franco, Editor